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Paginator Basics


This class contains two attributes: content and embeds, which correspond to the attributes of the same name on the discord.Message class. To create a new Page, use the following syntax:

import discord
page = Page(content="My Page Content", embeds=[discord.Embed(title="My First Embed Title")])


This class represents a group of pages. It uses most of the same parameters as Paginator, which allows each PageGroup to effectively have its own settings and behaviours.


This is the main class for ext.pages, and is used to control most of the functionality of the extension.

In its most basic form, with no arguments provided (default values listed below), a paginator can be created like so:

Paginator Example
import discord
from discord.ext.pages import Paginator, Page

my_pages = [
content="This is my first page. It has a list of embeds and message content.",
discord.Embed(title="My First Embed Title"),
discord.Embed(title="My Second Embed Title"),
content="This is my second page. It only has message content.",
title="This is my third page.",
description="It has no message content, and one embed.",
paginator = Paginator(pages=my_pages)

The only required parameter for Paginator is the pages parameter, which is usually a list of Page objects.

You can also pass in a list of PageGroup objects, a list of strings, a list of embeds, or a list of lists of embeds.

Once the Paginator instance is created, you can call either Paginator.send() or Paginator.respond() to send a message or response with the paginator's contents.

Depending on what's being passed to the pages parameter, the behaviour of the paginator may differ:

  • Passing a list of PageGroup objects will essentially treat each PageGroup as its own Paginator, with most Paginator attributes able to be set independently for each PageGroup.
    -   Each `PageGroup` accepts its own `pages` parameter, which inherits the same behaviour as the `pages` parameter
    of `Paginator`, except it cannot contain other `PageGroup` objects.
  • If a page is a Page object, this will allow you to specify both the discord.Message.content and discord.Message.embeds attributes for a page.
    -   **This is the preferred method of defining a page.**
  • If a page is a string, this will be used for the discord.Message.content attribute. This type of page cannot have any embeds.
  • If a page is a list of embeds, this will be used for the discord.Message.embeds attribute. This type of page cannot have any message content.
  • If a page is a list of lists of embeds, each parent list item will create a page containing all embeds from its child list. This type of page cannot have any message content.

Parameters for the Paginator class which have default values:

  • show_disabled : True
    • Show buttons that are disabled (i.e. can't be clicked)
  • author_check : True
    • Only the author can interact with the paginator.
  • timeout : 180 (seconds)
    • The paginator will time out and become inactive after this many seconds.
  • disable_on_timeout : True
    • If the paginator times out, it will be automatically disabled and all buttons will be unusable.
  • use_default_buttons : True
    • Use the default set of 4 buttons and a page indicator.
  • show_indicator : True
    • When using the default buttons, shows a middle 5th button with the current/total page numbers.

For other parameters that can be set on initialization, please check the API Reference


This class represents a button used to navigate between the pages of a paginator. It's also used to create the page indicator.

When creating your own custom buttons, you can either use this class directly or subclass it to add any additional functionality you may need.

To add custom buttons to the paginator instead of the default navigation buttons, you have two options to do so:

  1. Using the custom_buttons parameter of Paginator:

    import discord
    from discord.ext.pages import PaginatorButton, Paginator

    buttons = [
    PaginatorButton("first", label="<<-",,
    PaginatorButton("prev", label="<-",,
    PaginatorButton("page_indicator", style=discord.ButtonStyle.gray, disabled=True),
    PaginatorButton("next", label="->",,
    PaginatorButton("last", label="->>",,
    paginator = Paginator(
    pages=["Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3"],
  2. Using Paginator.add_button():

    import discord
    from discord.ext.pages import PaginatorButton, Paginator

    paginator = Paginator(pages=["Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3"], use_default_buttons=False)
    paginator.add_button(PaginatorButton("prev", label="<",
    paginator.add_button(PaginatorButton("page_indicator", style=discord.ButtonStyle.gray, disabled=True))
    paginator.add_button(PaginatorButton("next", label=">",

If you want to use the default navigation buttons, but not all of them, you can also use Paginator.remove_button() to selectively remove them:

from discord.ext.pages import Paginator

paginator = Paginator(pages=["Page 1", "Page 2", "Page 3"])


This class represents the discord.Select menu used to navigate between PageGroup instances. In most situations, you will not need to interact with this class directly.

If you do subclass it, you'll likely want to call super() in your __init__ method to ensure that the PageGroup navigation functionality is retained.

Usage Examples

For a comprehensive list of examples showing all Paginator functionality, please see the example in cog form in the repo.

Support and Feedback

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback for ext.pages, please join the discord server and check out the #ext-pages channel.